
What I can do for you

What I can do for you

Give you the little push you need, let you know your inner power, help you turning from frog into whatever you wish!

What I can do for you

Are you going through a moment of working, emotional or school uncertainty?
Are you struggling facing a sudden change?
Are you eager to start something new but you can’t find the right project to inspire your creativity and spread your energy?
Are you well aware of what you don’t want, but you find it difficult to focus on what you really want?
Do you have to give a speech in front of a crowd?

Those are just some questions from where to start with a Coach: as it is a method to support change and self-learning, Coaching is about going with a person or a group in a moment of transition between two stages of life, making it easy for you to reach your personal excellence!

Coaching helps you express the best version of yourself (even under the spotlight)!

Using NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), the goal is to inspire a generative change, namely a change not forced from the outside but arising as a natural consequence of the cooperation, acting on the deep structures of language.

NLP Coaching is also a help to find again the accordance among identity, values and actions in the different life areas in a maieutic process, where the coachee becomes master of the techniques he/she used, so he/she is able to use them again in future situations.

Coaching is NOT a psychological or psychiatric therapy, a counseling activity or a empathetic consultation to solve a difficult situation. Coaching does not give pre-packaged answers or a consolatory or mystic support, most of all it doesn’t include any kind of medical therapy.

In Coaching you’re always the protagonist!

Do you want to schedule a free appointment to get to know us?

Contact me!